x128s — Color Combo Rarity NFTs (OLD — Please See Revised Article)
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are unique assets existing on the blockchain. They can take on many forms, including video game assets, DeFi assets, art, collectables, and more.
Generally speaking, a video game or DeFi NFT will have some type of utility, while an art or collectible NFT will have no utility other than an aesthetic, collectability, and perceived value. (Note: This is not always the case and these lines are becoming more blurred ever day).
x128s is a an NFT concept best categorized as an art/collectible art project. Each x128s will have the following attributes.
- x128s will be created on a square 128 x 128 canvas containing 16,384 squares.
- Each x128s square will be one of two colors.
- The first color is determined randomly, and the second color is always the complementary RGB to the first color.
- There are over 8,000,000 possible color schemes.
- Color schemes are assigned a rarity factor based the probability of occurrence and variance between RGB values using a random method for determining the first color and its complementary RGB.
The below grid illustrates the x128s canvas with two alternating complimentary colors.
This sample grid has two colors: R:115|G:195|B:174 and its complementary R:195|G:115|B:136.
These two colors can then be rearranged on the 128 x 128 grid to create an image like this.
The initial inspiration for this project came from an NFT project of well know faces created by Artificial Intelligence Art AIA called PopMasks. Jeff Bezos was the image for PopMask #1, which lead to him becoming the subject of the first x128s created.
All x128s will also have a rarity factor assigned to it based on the probability of the occurrence of the first color, and therefore the second, as well as the variance in value of the red, green, and blue color combinations for the two colors. This methodology was applied to a run of 100 randomly determined color combinations, resulting in the below color rarity value distribution curve.
The rarity values of the randomly determined 100 color combinations were distributed in a bell curve pattern skewed to the left, with 66% occurring within 1 standard deviation (SD) of the mean, and 96% occurring within 2 SDs of the mean.
There are over 8,000,000 possible color combinations, but this small sample shows potential in being able to determine the rarity of a given color combination. Combinations within 1 SD of the mean would be common; 1–2 SDs would be uncommon; 2–3 SD would be rare; and more than 3 SDs from the mean would be ultra-rare. There were no color combinations more than 3 SDs from the mean in the 100 that were randomly generated.
Color Determination
Each RGB color has a value ranging from 1 to 255. The three values for the first color is randomly randomly determined by a roll of 1 to 32,640. The 32,640 number is the result of the Triangle number for the 255 color values. Each color value become proportionately more likely as the value increases. For example, a value of 1 has a 1 in 32,640 chance of occurring, a 2 has a 2 in 32,640 chance of occurring, etc. This pattern continues until the highest color value, 255, which has a 255 in 32,640 chance of occurring. This sequence is the Triangular Number of 255, which equals 32,640.
This means that lower RBG values are much less likely to occur than high RBG values. The second number is always the RGB complimentary color to the first color, which is the opposite color in the color wheel in both direction and distance from the center.
Before doing the actual NFTs, the random colors will need to be determined. To do this, the public random number generator at https://www.publicrng.com/ will be used. publicRNG.com generates a random number from 1 to 100 every 30 seconds. Every randomly generated number is assigned a name which is in the format of the date and the random number for that day. For example, the 1787th random number generated on August 17, 2021 would be titled “210817–1787”. This number can also be verified at a later date by looking it up on the site.
publicRNG.com also has a raffle feature that is limited to 10,000 entrants. Since the color determination is based on a random number between 1 and 32,000, this will not be used. Instead a series of 1–100 roles will be applied to a chart that narrows down the number through consecutive roles.
The following is an example of rolls generated months ago. These rolls can still be verified at https://www.publicrng.com/
In the above example, it took 9 rolls to determine all three RGB numbers for Color-1, which in turn determines Color-2. The process was as follows:
- A roll of 34 narrows the first number down to between 11,221 and 11,560.
- A roll of 52 narrows the first number down to between 11,425 and 11,428.
- A roll of 20 narrow the final random number down to 11,425. The 11,425 number can be looked up in the above chart to determine the Red in the RBG number to be 151
This process is continued until all 3 colors of the RGB color are determined, which took nine rolls. The Hex number for the RGB color is then input into https://www.canva.com/colors/color-wheel/ to determine the corresponding complimentary color. In this case RGB: 151–142–223 is Hex #978EDF. The complementary color to this is Hex #E6F08D, which is RGB: 230–240–141. These two colors would then be used for the image it is applied to and minted into an NFT.
To next step in the process will be determining the next few color combinations to be applied to images. For the first color combinations 100 random numbers will be used. These numbers will be verifiable on publicRNG.com as rolls 210818–1800 though 210818–1899. Any incomplete color will be carried forward to another set of applied rolls on a later date.
Coming Next
After determining the color combinations for the first images, the information will be presented in another medium article. I intend to have the actual images cover a variety of themes. This first batch will be part of the celebs series, which will be the faces of recognizable people in pop culture.
I hope to also have the related images and minted NFTs completed at that time. My intent is to mint the NFTs on Polygon, as the costs associated with it are not nearly as prohibitive as that of Ethereum.
Related Links
I have created a new Discord for x128s. Not much going on with it yet, but I am happy to chat about the project there. You can join by clicking here.
You can access my Twitter clicking here.